Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Peer Teaching - Gender Roles

This is a video of my peer teaching presentation for Sex and Gender studies in Sociology. My presentation explains how gender roles are created by society through many aspects of social life including; family, education and media. The presentation is a brief overview of Gender Roles, although there is a lot more involved in the creation of these. I also include a psychological view of how behaviour can be taught through conditioning.
To make my presentation more interactive I created a test for my peers using The Bechdel Test (http://bechdeltest.com/). The test involves movies that have to meet a certain criteria to pass - this illustrates a gender bias. I recommend you have a look at this test as some of the results can be quite surprising. Another way to try and make my presentation more interactive was the use of music. The music I chose is I’m Just a Girl by No Doubt. The lyrics of the song describe a girl who is sick and tired of being forced into the Gender Roles her society is imposing on her. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzOOQfhPFg

My reflection
I feel I delivered my presentation well, although I could have done with having more notes to read off rather than reading from the slides as this would have allowed me to engage the audience more. My voice is clear and loud so the audience can hear me over the music played. If the presentation was to be repeated I would attempt to not move my hands so much, as it shows my nervousness and may distract the audience from focusing on the slides.

Bechdel, A. (n.d.) The Bechdel Test. [online] Available: http://bechdeltest.com/ [accessed 23rd November 2014].

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